The Caterpillar

† 27-05-2012 † 5679 views

and the size of his hunger

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Olaf (Homepage) wrote: Great found and nice framed, like how you focused!
  2. Wanderungen (Homepage) wrote: very great picture! Awesome!
  3. Francesco (Homepage) wrote: complimenti! Ottima per costruzione e per tonalità
  4. Arjan - PlasticDaisy (Homepage) wrote: Great!! The colors are wonderful and I like the semi-transparency. It's arched so beautifully.
  5. CrashRyan (Homepage) wrote: a spectacular shot!! that caterpillar would be quite thrilled to see himself like this ...!
  6. fabrizio (Homepage) wrote: catturato nel pieno dell'azione!! molto bella anche questa decisamente lineare ed integrata nel soffice fondo, mi piace soprattutto il contrasto naturale del colore!!
  7. buntagphoto (Homepage) wrote: They are hungry little buggers!
  8. 75Central (Homepage) wrote: Great this macro work
  9. yiannis krikis (Homepage) wrote: excellent lighting and colors

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