deep forest

† 02-09-2012 † 5339 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Birgit (Homepage) wrote: I´ve been through many great and inspiring pictures here, I could write a comment on almost all of them - wich is unusual for I´m very choosy :) great work, I´ll keep my eye on you!
  2. Arnd (Homepage) wrote: Looks like an enchanted fairy tale forest. I can feel magic here!
  3. yvan (Homepage) wrote: Perfect, simple, yet powerful shot!
  4. yiannis krikis (Homepage) wrote: excellent landscape and colors - great use of exposure speed
  5. buntagphoto (Homepage) wrote: Beautiful lighting.
  6. fabrizio (Homepage) wrote: l'effetto seta è perfetto, cosi cme elegante questo piccolo scorcio di bosco... bei colori e fantastica foto
  7. Calusarus (Homepage) wrote: This long exposure makes the water magic

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