Lago di Pradidali

† 05-09-2012 † 5679 views

Little lake in the High Val di Pradidali, among the massifs of the Pala di San Martino and the Cima Canali.

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Visitor's Comments

  1. janina (Homepage) wrote: Stunning panorama and superb landscape. Majestic!
  2. Guido (Homepage) wrote: Che calma che c'è, l'acqua del lago è immobile. Una bella immagine
  3. Arjan - PlasticDaisy (Homepage) wrote: That must have been quite the trip you made! What an impressive nature you captured!
  4. Paolo (Homepage) wrote: spettacolo puro. degno del miglio ansel adams
  5. yiannis krikis (Homepage) wrote: an exceptional landscape - very wild and beautiful

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