night leaves gently

† 07-10-2012 † 10302 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Guido (Homepage) wrote: Bello vedere anche come le nuvole sembrano così basse da chiudere l'orizzonte
  2. Andrey Samolinov (Homepage) wrote: One of the best scenery I have ever seen Amazing color and mood
  3. Arjan - PlasticDaisy (Homepage) wrote: Perfect! Amazing how that rocky bottom blends into the calm and smooth water. This is an impressive image!
  4. CrashRyan (Homepage) wrote: beautiful colors!!!!!
  5. Cheap Nike Free Run (Homepage) wrote: Wow, that was pretty interesting. Inspiring, as well. Thanks for sharing such inspiring experience with us. Great blog, congrats!
  6. Amir (Homepage) wrote: This photo is amazing man! you control the light in shadows and highlight very well!
  7. sherri (Homepage) wrote: pretty spectacular result. i like it.
  8. Carsten (Homepage) wrote: Excellent long exposure - the colors are awesome !
  9. beanow (Homepage) wrote: As usual - fantastic!
  10. Wolfgang (Homepage) wrote: Like the colours and this atmosphere. Good work!
  11. buntagphoto (Homepage) wrote: Dawn breaks gently over the horizon.
  12. Javier Salazar (Homepage) wrote: Tienes un blog sencillamente ESPECTACULAR. Me encanta.
  13. Luiza (Homepage) wrote: WOW! GREAT! Love it♥
  14. fabrizio (Homepage) wrote: mammamia Paolo che bellezza, il cielo sembra chiudersi nel mare ed i colori sono perfetti
  15. Marcie (Homepage) wrote: Breathtakingly beautiful land/seascape. Stunning colors..WOW!
  16. francesco (Homepage) wrote: spettacolo bellissimo. Nitidezza davvero ai massimi livelli
  17. Arnd (Homepage) wrote: The ration ‘sky’ versus ’sea’ is fascinating here and markedly contributes to the atmosphere of the image. Lovely range of colors and sense of depth, too.
  18. Paolo (Homepage) wrote: impressionante la combinazione dell'effetto del tempo lungo con la nitidezza e l'incisione dell'immagine, in particolare sui ciotoli a riva. ottima
  19. yiannis krikis (Homepage) wrote: very peaceful image with excellent sky and colors

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