
† 26-01-2013 † 24805 views

small village Eremita between the clouds

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Visitor's Comments

  1. olga satti wrote: Magnifica foto !!!!
  2. yvan (Homepage) wrote: what an atmosphere, congratulations!
  3. Max (Homepage) wrote: Quando una foto riesce a trasmettere qualcosa è una foto ben riuscita. Complimenti!
  4. janina (Homepage) wrote: Everyone's said it -- beautiful! misty! mysterious! heavenly! I'd like to visit....
  5. Marie (Homepage) wrote: magnifique !
  6. fabrizio (Homepage) wrote: anche in b/n il risultato e spettacolare nella sua eleganza
  7. Wolfgang (Homepage) wrote: Wonderful! Love the composition, your processing and this atmosphere. Great work!
  8. Alicia (Homepage) wrote: I really like the haunting quality to this picture. Great job!
  9. sherri (Homepage) wrote: this is beautiful. enshrouded.
  10. Arjan - PlasticDaisy (Homepage) wrote: Wonderful atmosphere you managed to capture in this shot! Just perfect!
  11. Francesco (Homepage) wrote: un'atmosfera magica... mi piace anche la qualità grafica della foto che in questo ha un qualcosa di giapponese
  12. gentse koppen (Homepage) wrote: An imopressive and moody landscape
  13. Cheryl Beckham (Homepage) wrote: This photo sure has had some great comments left on here about it, rightly deserved. Job well done! Would be cool to see the same shot without the mist/fog/clouds, was just a fleeting thought about an interesting comparison! Cheryl Beckham
  14. Olaf (Homepage) wrote: Great mood and a perfect bw, well done!
  15. Tony (Homepage) wrote: Love the graphic composition coupled with the atmosphere from the mist. Very nice photograph!
  16. Marcie (Homepage) wrote: Extraordinary mystical magic. WOW!
  17. Françoise (Homepage) wrote: beautiful atmosphere! I love that there is some real black and real white. the fug is impressive and the shot shows it perfectly
  18. Kris Koeller (Homepage) wrote: Beautiful scene.
  19. Arnd (Homepage) wrote: Wonderful shot, Paolo! The fog is very beautiful, and those building really anchor the eye.
  20. CrashRyan (Homepage) wrote: wonderful mist .... !
  21. buntagphoto (Homepage) wrote: Great capture of the silhouette. Looks haunted.
  22. Roland (Homepage) wrote: A wonderful photo! bravo!
  23. Heidi (Homepage) wrote: Wow. That's is rather mystical! Very nice!
  24. tom (Homepage) wrote: Wonderful atmospheric shot.

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