The Small White

† 03-07-2013 † 7184 views

@ Linda : I was about 6 metre away from the butterfly and i shooted with a 300 mm f/2.8 prime lens at f/4; @ Oldshutterhand : i have taken many, but this is one of my favorite :)

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Arjan - PlasticDaisy (Homepage) wrote: Such fresh and strong colors! And a very nice capture with the small white hovering in the air.
  2. Wolfgang (Homepage) wrote: Great capture and details! Love it!
  3. oldshutterhand (Homepage) wrote: Wow.A butterfly in action. I bet hat took some time. Congrats for hat rare and perfect shot.
  4. Linda Bradshaw (Homepage) wrote: I have never seen a photograph of a butterfly in flight with the wings down instead of up. I really like this photo a lot! Were you that close to the butterfly or did you use a zoom lens?
  5. tom (Homepage) wrote: Beautiful!
  6. Arnd (Homepage) wrote: Gorgeous capture of this butterfly in motion. Sharpness and detail are perfect!

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