plane airport and shuttle

† 14-03-2014 † 5383 views

@ Dennis : This is Moofushi Island, Maldives

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Arnd (Homepage) wrote: Wow! This must have been amazing to see and experience in person! The deep blue tones of the sea are really stunning here.
  2. omar (Homepage) wrote: oh yes, looks like somewhere at the maledives, very exclusive.
  3. Olivier Rault (Homepage) wrote: Je très jolis contrastes, un excellent cadrage, du bon travail :))
  4. Wolfgang (Homepage) wrote: Was für eine tolle Aufnahme :) Da wäre ich jetzt gern ...
  5. CrashRyan (Homepage) wrote: oh man, I want a ride on that plane!!! there's a little bit of me that would love to learn how to fly a seaplane ... where is this beautiful place ?
  6. HF (Homepage) wrote: Great colors and contrasts; lovely propellers!

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