wind model maker

† 23-02-2008 † 9197 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Riri (Homepage) wrote: incredible and surreal frame ! great texture
  2. Olivier (Homepage) wrote: J'aime beaucoup cette image ... elle est tellement graphique !
  3. Stella (Homepage) wrote: Splendida! Complimenti!
  4. Jeff (Homepage) wrote: Paolo, Thank you for your kind words, and appreciation of my Coney Island photos. While you enjoy NYC, I always like going to the beach for vacations. That is where I can really relax and enjoy Mother Nature. Living between mountains sounds fantastic to me. That explains alot about your photographs.I guess sometimes photographers do their best when they relate to to the subject matter - you and the mountains & me and Coney Island. Anyway, I voted for you on VFXY. My site is still pending and not listed yet. If you have a chance, please visit my main website at and let me know what you think. Ciao, Jeff P.S. I sent an email reply) to and it came back as undeliverable.
  5. Giņ (Homepage) wrote: E questa bellissima onda di neve, non l'avremmo mai vista se non fossi arrivato tu a catturarla!!! Vien voglia di surfarci dentro!!! ;)

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