narrow path to the light

† 01-05-2008 † 13923 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. claus Petersen (Homepage) wrote: Looks like you where traped unless you are a very thin person ;-)
  2. shadebox (Homepage) wrote: This is a really great shot, textures, colors and perspective are all very interesting. Cool pic, congrats!
  3. Bahar Kamali (Homepage) wrote: wow, what a texture! very nice composition!
  4. Joachim (Homepage) wrote: An exciting view. Good!
  5. Paolo wrote: Actually you can't turn back if you've got a backpack on your shoulders. Thanks to all of you guys for the kind comments!
  6. tom (Homepage) wrote: That's for slim people only :-)
  7. Soco (Homepage) wrote: Extraodinary perspective!! Great textures too.
  8. gallcat (Homepage) wrote: What a great image in this shot.
  9. Tom Sheehan (Homepage) wrote: Cool shot. I like the depth. :)
  10. El Jefe (Homepage) wrote: Really a great view. Cool angle. Saludos
  11. Chris/Aperture Image (Homepage) wrote: Had me confused, for a second I thought I was looking up! Amazing viewpoint.
  12. Giņ (Homepage) wrote: Che bellissimo varco, e che bravo nell'aver saputo dargli questo senso di curvatura!
  13. Andreas (Homepage) wrote: This is quite cool. Great perspective :)
  14. BABYLONEZOO (Homepage) wrote: Superbe cela donne une sentation de vitesse
  15. martineb (Homepage) wrote: Extraodinary perspective!! Great textures too.

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