man and wharf

† 01-08-2008 † 9027 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. A.B.C. Photography (Homepage) wrote: beautiful soft lighting.
  2. Angelique (Homepage) wrote: Like a dream... so beautiful.
  3. giovanni (Homepage) wrote: bellissima atmostera complimenti
  4. Daniel (Homepage) wrote: magnifique bon dimanche
  5. tom (Homepage) wrote: Wonderful image.
  6. Ian Bramham (Homepage) wrote: The light. the colour and the composition are all sublime....lovely work!!!
  7. Marie (Homepage) wrote: superbe composition.
  8. Ásgarðr (Homepage) wrote: Great mood and really love the long exposuretime. You might want to consider striaghtening the horizon, think the image will be even stronger.
  9. Marcie (Homepage) wrote: Stunning! Love the sofg tones and reflections in the water.
  10. Sobral (Homepage) wrote: Molto bella anche questa, mi piace la tonalità di colore, un'atmosfera particolare.
  11. Simone Colferai Photoblog (Homepage) wrote: Una classica composizione ma con tonalità non comuni e molto eleganti. Complimenti
  12. ocorti (Homepage) wrote: very nice atmosphre. great shot
  13. Ariel (Homepage) wrote: Truly amazing image. It has a subtle, interesting mood, with beautiful reflections in the water and lot of details despite being shot against the sun. Well done!
  14. Fiona (Homepage) wrote: Ich bin begeistert: Die zarten Farben. Das Rosé. Das Meer. Ich rieche das Salz in der Luft und schon laufe ich los. Schade, dass dieser Strand so weit entfernt ist. Glückwunsch.
  15. Daniel (Homepage) wrote: Amazing shot! I like the blur in the water.

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