Gothic excitements

† 14-09-2008 † 6829 views

Vienna, Nel 1853 fallì l'attentato di un anarchico all'imperatore Francesco Giuseppe I. Per ringraziare per la sua salvezza si costruì la chiesa votiva in stile neo-gotico " Per il divino Redentore" (1856-1879).

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Visitor's Comments

  1. zohre (Homepage) wrote: Great picture. :)
  2. Jim (Homepage) wrote: Impressive. The wide angle really accentuates the arches and focuses the eye down the aisle of the cathedral.
  3. sherri (Homepage) wrote: Such an ornate structure with beautiful colors. I love the's incredible.
  4. Arjan - PlasticDaisy (Homepage) wrote: This is terrific! And what an immense buidling! All those archers come out reallt well. Very impressed with this! :)
  5. Frank (Homepage) wrote: Great! I like the golden light. Excellent.
  6. beanow (Homepage) wrote: Wonderful architecture - the bead!!!
  7. Michael Rawluk (Homepage) wrote: The curve really accentuates the beauty. Wonderful.
  8. Marcie (Homepage) wrote: WOW! Love the wide angle view..or is it fish-eye??? really allows for a terrific image.
  9. don (Homepage) wrote: A beautiful shot of this interior with fine detail and such appealing color. Even the lens distortion enhances the shot (for me). Excellent image.

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