two elevators

† 16-12-2008 † 7834 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Chris Curnow (Homepage) wrote: Amazing composition with everything pointing to top left corner.
  2. Cliff (Homepage) wrote: Great architecture. Looks like it is some old industry building
  3. 613photo (Homepage) wrote: The density of this shot is really amazing. I like the "6" in the corner, too.
  4. Marie (Homepage) wrote: excellent graphisme !
  5. LightningPaul (Homepage) wrote: Nice! Great framing and composition. Very artistic tone mapping. I'm just missing some vignetting and darkening at certain places.
  6. Alex Caballero (Homepage) wrote: Muy buena prespectiva y buenisimo el tratamiento aplicado, por no hablar de la profundidad, felicidades, buen trabajo...sañudos
  7. Andrew (Homepage) wrote: Clean, but spooky futuristic feel. Nice shot!
  8. Craig (Homepage) wrote: Industrial, futuristic looking, great perspective and well processed!
  9. Gromitch (Homepage) wrote: Great line perspective and work with dynamic range!
  10. Marcah (Homepage) wrote: Wonderful image. Your perspective as well as the processing is excellent.
  11. Polydactyle (Homepage) wrote: Excellent again. A other great industrial view. Nice treatment.
  12. Elaine- (Homepage) wrote: this is fabulous!! so 'techno' and 'grunge' lol great shot man!!
  13. grant (Homepage) wrote: excellent! very powerful lines!
  14. Andy (Homepage) wrote: Wow an amazing shot! Love the framing and the mechanical feel.
  15. (Homepage) wrote: Great compo!
  16. Miles Wolstenholme (Homepage) wrote: Congrats on an incredible composition, this is just amazing. Well done!
  17. Paolo (Homepage) wrote: molto bella, mi fa pensare alla "Nostromo" e a Ripley (ps non avevo letto il commento di Tom)
  18. Pedro (Homepage) wrote: Excellent framing, Paolo, absolutely geometric. I like your work with Lloyd´s. Ciao.
  19. Olivier (Homepage) wrote: Une subtile touche de couleur
  20. Tom (Homepage) wrote: Cool! It looks like shuttles on a space station or something. Looks a bit like the Lloyds Building in London?

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