The Millennium Footprints

† 20-12-2008 † 5890 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Pierre (Homepage) wrote: Interesting angle, cool for sure! The person in the middle looks like a nun, or is it how a nun seen from below should look like?
  2. David H-W (Homepage) wrote: Excellent angle and love the pixelated effect from the grid.
  3. Westy | P H O T O N O M Y (Homepage) wrote: its so cool looks like a painting..
  4. wtfoto (Homepage) wrote: Very cool and original point of view. Great job ;)
  5. Kevin (Homepage) wrote: Very interesting perspective. I like how the footprints stand out from the other shapes, which are still clearly visible but reduced to tonal shadows due to the grid/grating.
  6. grant (Homepage) wrote: one of the most unique images i've seen in a long time - well done!
  7. ronan (Homepage) wrote: very good idea, a work to continue
  8. Gromitch (Homepage) wrote: No words! Very creative!
  9. LightningPaul (Homepage) wrote: Haha great idea. At first I did no see what it was.
  10. 613photo (Homepage) wrote: That security code can be hard to read and it wipes out your whole comment if you get it wrong. Anyway, nice shot. Unusual perspective.
  11. Beat (Homepage) wrote: perfect shot from a underground-jail :-)
  12. Elaine- (Homepage) wrote: wonderful shot, what were you doing in the sewer? lol tho maybe that's a subway grating, but those aren't usually overhead... neat!!
  13. Craig (Homepage) wrote: This is one amazing perspective. I love the way the figures start off with that solid footprint then fade off into the sky. Just wonderful thinking!!
  14. Andy (Homepage) wrote: Very interesting shot.
  15. aadesanya (Homepage) wrote: Nice perspective... where were you lol.. happy holidays
  16. oldshutterhand (Homepage) wrote: Great point of view.
  17. Francis (Homepage) wrote: Hi my frend This is what Christmas is all about. Wonderful photo! Very nice . See you later Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2009 ..
  18. sherri (Homepage) wrote: Clever capture. I'm curious to know where you were.
  19. Marie (Homepage) wrote: amusant et original !
  20. Michael Rawluk (Homepage) wrote: That is very very cool. I love the effect of the screen on the sky.
  21. (Homepage) wrote: Very original, nice point of view!
  22. Polydactyle (Homepage) wrote: That's what I call a original view. Excellent!
  23. martie (Homepage) wrote: Nice - a very different point of view!
  24. Tom (Homepage) wrote: Heh. Cool shot. :-)
  25. Frida (Homepage) wrote: Super cool angle!!
  26. Giovanni (Homepage) wrote: Bello! Bell'idea e ben realizzato!
  27. roentarre (Homepage) wrote: This one really has wicked perspective!

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