a building two views

† 23-12-2008 † 6821 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Ilger.nl (Homepage) wrote: Again a great architecture shot....toning and perspective does it for me.
  2. Olivier (Homepage) wrote: Superbe travail. Photo ou peinture ?
  3. krusaf (Homepage) wrote: Magnific reflections ! Great compo
  4. Bernhard (Homepage) wrote: Wow, a stuning compostion... I like it!
  5. Tom (Homepage) wrote: Very nice reflections. Cool photo.
  6. luan (Homepage) wrote: Excellent photo... where was it taken?
  7. yiannis krikis (Homepage) wrote: excellent colors and reflections - best wishes for the new year
  8. Marie (Homepage) wrote: wouaw, quel coup d'oeil, c'est magnifique, ces lignes, ces reflets, bravo !
  9. martineb (Homepage) wrote: REally a great composition!! Merry christmas and happy new year 2009!:
  10. Chris (Homepage) wrote: Great view; wishing you all a very merry Christmas :)
  11. Frida (Homepage) wrote: Great point of view and very good reflection. Happy Holidays!
  12. Sobral (Homepage) wrote: Buon Natale! Merry Christmas!
  13. Olivier (Homepage) wrote: Very nice picture. Merry Christmas!!
  14. Arjan - PlasticDaisy (Homepage) wrote: Strong and crisply image! Love the subtle tones you used here!
  15. Jim (Homepage) wrote: Great angle and an interesting and effective composition.
  16. Andrés (Homepage) wrote: Very nice reflections and angle.
  17. Craig (Homepage) wrote: Fantasic reflections but most of all love the tone you have used here, it really gives the image a great finish!
  18. grant (Homepage) wrote: amazing! i like the limited color, the angle, the incredible detail.
  19. Andy (Homepage) wrote: Very cool reflections on this building!
  20. sherri (Homepage) wrote: Beautiful structure, beautiful capture. Merry Christmas.
  21. Michael Rawluk (Homepage) wrote: You have a great eye for lines. Have yourself a wonderfully Merry Christmas.
  22. Phil (Homepage) wrote: Great image and processing, I love the tones!
  23. Simone (Homepage) wrote: Ciao Paolo, tanti Auguri di Buone Feste anche a te e complimenti...sempre superbi i tuoi scatti di architettura. Un saluto
  24. Alex Caballero (Homepage) wrote: Seguimos con un magnifico encuadre, una sobervia composicion y unos reflejos bestiales, saludos y felices fiestas!!!
  25. Pere (Homepage) wrote: Es una imagen inquietante porque no terminas de saber dónde acaban los reflejos y comienza la realidad. Muy bonita. Saludos.
  26. Marcie (Homepage) wrote: Hard to create an abstract image out of such concrete structures. You've done it beautifully. WOW!
  27. Calusarus (Homepage) wrote: Reflection of a building… Nice one !
  28. Omar (Homepage) wrote: Very dilly, nice play with the lines.
  29. Giovanni (Homepage) wrote: Bellissimo gioco di tonalità e riflessi!! Buon Natale Paolo!
  30. oldshutterhand (Homepage) wrote: Perfect architecture shot.
  31. Cerstin (Homepage) wrote: Superbe - you surprised again and again - like your postprocessing very much.
  32. Beeps and Chirps (Homepage) wrote: Yeah...that's awesome!
  33. Michael Skorulski (Homepage) wrote: Wonderful reflections in this fine crisp image.
  34. 613photo (Homepage) wrote: Another great shot, Paolo. As others have said I'm a big fan of the lines and tones in it. Also like the fact that it's askew.
  35. Rolf Kaul (Homepage) wrote: perfect Photoshop-works,...I like it!!!
  36. cako (Homepage) wrote: Beautiful reflections in this photo. Great architecture, great shot !
  37. Elaine- (Homepage) wrote: i love the way the dome building looks amongst all the lines... very cool shot!!
  38. Shirin (Homepage) wrote: Lovely tones. One could follow every line and get to the beginning of several new lines! Love the angle!
  39. Krims@nline.be (Homepage) wrote: Is this another part of post 'Metroplis' ? Which city is this ? Nice effect, great lighting.
  40. beanow (Homepage) wrote: Super compo nad geometry! Great job!
  41. aadesanya (Homepage) wrote: Nice processing and composition with the reflection and lines. Regards Ade

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