The Phantoms of Babylon

† 01-01-2009 † 9523 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. krusaf (Homepage) wrote: Very graphic, cool shot
  2. Gordon (Homepage) wrote: Brilliant shot, did they let you set a tripod in there? I love what you've done with the roof.
  3. Natalie | (Homepage) wrote: Gorgeous... I love how the glass ceiling turned out...
  4. Alex Caballero (Homepage) wrote: Buen encuadre, buen juego de luces y sombras y ese techo cristalino, bufff...genial, buen aņo...saludos.
  5. ida (Homepage) wrote: wonderful angel! BRAVO... :)
  6. Beat (Homepage) wrote: Absolutly outstanding shot.Amazing with these "gohst" in front. Buon anno!
  7. Laurie (Homepage) wrote: Excellent shot here! I love the ghosts. Happy New Year!
  8. Simone (Homepage) wrote: Hai usato la tecnica alla grande in questo scatto; molto bella anche la composizione e la prospettiva. Buon Anno Nuovo :-)
  9. Andrew (Homepage) wrote: Another amazing location with captivating lines and curves. This is a very stimulating image as the architectural design is so well balanced. Superb effect and framing.
  10. Mohammadreza (Homepage) wrote: fantastic work, like the shadowed people in this shot, nicely done ...
  11. LGB (Homepage) wrote: Please accept my wishes of a happy, healthy, safety and prosperous New Year.
  12. Calusarus (Homepage) wrote: A nice long shutter speeds shot. Congratulations
  13. RAW-Shooter (Homepage) wrote: Well done composition! A Happy New Year to you!
  14. Elaine- (Homepage) wrote: wonderful shot!! truly! i love the 3 ghosts standing there...
  15. Asgardr (Homepage) wrote: Not so much the phantoms who grab my attention; The roof is just fantastic! Great pic!
  16. Marcie (Homepage) wrote: Amazing!! Love the mysterious shadowed people...the ceiling and sky. Fantastic image!!!
  17. grant (Homepage) wrote: fantastic - a treat!
  18. 613photo (Homepage) wrote: Very cool shot, sir. You're very good at architecture and I see you got some other details in there, too.
  19. (Homepage) wrote: Happy 2009!
  20. beanow (Homepage) wrote: Wow! Amazing geometry !!! Happy New Year is you and yours!
  21. aadesanya (Homepage) wrote: Niice.. beautiful perspective and patterns. nice slow shutter effect
  22. bluechameleon (Homepage) wrote: Fantastic! I love the geometry of the ceiling, the colours detail and shadows! Happy New Year!
  23. Roland (Homepage) wrote: Awesome. Lots of patience to set this one up, I suspect.
  24. Pradeep (Homepage) wrote: Lovely composition. Love it. Happy New Year :)
  25. (Homepage) wrote: Love it! Are there really ghost in there? The effect of the cealing is wonderfull. Well done!

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