Stormy Weather

† 04-01-2009 † 5886 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. jbm (Homepage) wrote: The light is beautiful here !
  2. Giò (Homepage) wrote: Si si, decisamente io amo le tue foto nevose...questa è particolarissima, un'atmosfera magica! Stupenda!
  3. Craig (Homepage) wrote: Wow, great use of the natural light. I presume this is snow but it could be another planet altogether! Great Stuff!
  4. tom (Homepage) wrote: Absolutely amazing. I love the play of shadow and light.
  5. Marie (Homepage) wrote: magnifique atmosphère.
  6. birgit (Homepage) wrote: wow, you know how to play with light!
  7. Turnbill (Homepage) wrote: Very sensual photo. Wonderful depth.
  8. 613photo (Homepage) wrote: Outstanding, Paolo. Lots of range here (in every sense of the word).
  9. Colors Inc (Homepage) wrote: nice structures
  10. ida (Homepage) wrote: This is wonderful! :) BRAVO...
  11. Mohammadreza (Homepage) wrote: wow, stunning shot, like dramatic sky ...
  12. Pradeep (Homepage) wrote: Wow!! Totally surreal, very dramatic treatment. Love it :)
  13. yiannis krikis (Homepage) wrote: great lighting and curves - the best for today
  14. Elaine- (Homepage) wrote: wow, how beautiful and other-worldly... is that sand, i take it? love love the shot!
  15. Giovanni (Homepage) wrote: Composizione come sempre molto raffinata e grande equilibrio nella resa di luci e ombre: magistrale!
  16. Arjan - PlasticDaisy (Homepage) wrote: Cool dark looming clouds coming over the hill. This almost looks like a moonscape!
  17. lgb (Homepage) wrote: Looks like another planet... Just beautiful!
  18. Frida (Homepage) wrote: Beautiful lines and light.
  19. Marcie (Homepage) wrote: Something very sensuous about this. Love the moody tones and colors.
  20. grant (Homepage) wrote: stunning - like a lunar landscape!
  21. bluechameleon (Homepage) wrote: What an amazing landscape! So full of texture, shadow and cool blues! My compliments!
  22. Phil (Homepage) wrote: Wow...that's a beautiful and dramatic shot!
  23. Tom (Homepage) wrote: Very nice photograph. As someone mentioned in an earlier post, it looks like a lunar landascape. I love the athmosphere.
  24. vera (Homepage) wrote: fantastic wave of lights !
  25. Paolo (Homepage) wrote: paesaggio fantastico, lunare, molto bella
  26. Andrés (Homepage) wrote: This is a very beautiful image that creates a special dark mood enhanced not only by the tones but also by the grain of the photo. Very well done.
  27. krusaf (Homepage) wrote: It looks like the moon !!! Fantastic !
  28. Laurie (Homepage) wrote: Beautiful, graceful lines. Wonderful shot.
  29. (Homepage) wrote: First of all, congratulations with your various selections in the Blog Awards 2008. Love this scene, the difference in contrast, just wonderfull.
  30. Lunamania (Homepage) wrote: The tonal range in this image is great--and I like how it's hard to tell whether it's a black and white or just very stark conditions. Nice shot.
  31. Tim (Homepage) wrote: Cool !!!! And I love the coloring ... makes it more dramatic.
  32. Omar (Homepage) wrote: Fantastic foto, smooth mountains and nice contrast
  33. Polyactyle (Homepage) wrote: Great textures in this minimalist shot. Excellent!
  34. Olivier (Homepage) wrote: Très inquiétant le retour de la neige. Magnifique rendu.
  35. Tom (Homepage) wrote: Very moody shot. Top work.
  36. oldshutterhand (Homepage) wrote: Great abstraction without beeing abstract. Could be sand but I bet it´s snow.

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