watch your step

† 22-04-2009 † 6079 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. NJ & SB Photography (Homepage) wrote: Hi Paolo, me gusta mucho los tonos del procesado es bellisima!!
  2. Melinda (Homepage) wrote: So beautiful, it's like a watercolour painting.
  3. pietro (Homepage) wrote: charming view, nice colours
  4. Guido (Homepage) wrote: veramente belli e strani questi colori, non ho mai visto una spiaggia ed un mare simili. Complimenti!
  5. CushmoK (Homepage) wrote: minimalistic picture... so simple..
  6. Marcie (Homepage) wrote: Such peace and total calm. Love the color of mist..the processing.
  7. Arjan - PlasticDaisy (Homepage) wrote: This looks like a fine delicate aquarelle painting!
  8. Robert Kruh (Homepage) wrote: Beautiful and peaceful place! Great colours too!
  9. Beat (Homepage) wrote: these tones are marvelous. so beautifull!
  10. Pedro (Homepage) wrote: I think it´s an interesting study about pastel orange tones, good job
  11. Andres (Homepage) wrote: Truly nice horizon and lovely tones!!!
  12. K.B.R (Homepage) wrote: A total quiet ... Beautiful framing, Bravo
  13. Sergei (Homepage) wrote: Fantastic! Love the color of this capture!
  14. Olivier (Homepage) wrote: Superbe image ... d'une grande délicatesse.
  15. Terry H. (Homepage) wrote: I like the world you live in
  16. -trond- (Homepage) wrote: Wonderful picture, looks really soft, and I really like the composition. Excellent collection of photos you've got here! :-)
  17. Omar (Homepage) wrote: absolutely fantastic. Looks like a painting
  18. beanow (Homepage) wrote: Wow! This is fantastic image...
  19. BoB (Homepage) wrote: fantastica
  20. grant (Homepage) wrote: beautifully minimal
  21. Susan (Homepage) wrote: the vastness of this image-it's as if the sun were setting on Mars!
  22. Markus Spring (Homepage) wrote: wonderful colors, right out of a dream
  23. Simone (Homepage) wrote: E' raro trovare dei toni pastello così uniformi e distribuiti su tutto il fotogramma...PROPRIO BELLA!
  24. Jarrard Cole (Homepage) wrote: Very abstract and very pleasant.

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