i am falling

† 03-05-2009 † 5657 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Guido (Homepage) wrote: Condivido pienamente l'entusiasmo di tutti i commenti precedenti. Una foto strepitosa!
  2. wids (Homepage) wrote: wow... an amazing detail. great shoot!
  3. Simone (Homepage) wrote: Simpaticissima! Hai colto proprio un gran bello scatto!
  4. photo retouching (Homepage) wrote: Great shot, great colour. I just hope he/she wasn`t pushed!
  5. Ian (Homepage) wrote: Gorgeous colours, absolutely eatable! Looks even better with the black silhouette.
  6. tom (Homepage) wrote: Hope, it is not falling too deep.
  7. Riri (Homepage) wrote: wow ! What a catch!
  8. Cristian (Homepage) wrote: Lovely shot!
  9. LightningPaul (Homepage) wrote: Looks like the ant is flying somehow. That looks weird. DOF and back lighting are super.
  10. Goncalo Figueiredo (Homepage) wrote: Great capture and excellent domain of DOF.
  11. Arnd (Homepage) wrote: I love the image detail, the silhouette of the ant and the fitting title!
  12. Colors Inc (Homepage) wrote: great title, and especially the leaf structures and colors on the right are really beautiful! great photography!
  13. Melinda (Homepage) wrote: Poor little guy... gorgeous shot though.
  14. Arjan - PlasticDaisy (Homepage) wrote: Falling indeed! It seems to be in mid-air! But before it fell it did make a nice sunroof in that leaf. :)
  15. Aaron (Homepage) wrote: Wonderful shot. I love the tone and movement of this one.
  16. beanow (Homepage) wrote: Paolo, masterly shot!!!
  17. Tero (Homepage) wrote: Refreshing, strong composition. I like it. It not so ordinary.
  18. Sib' (Homepage) wrote: Awesome shoot, Very nice picture i like ur portfolio...
  19. Simone (Homepage) wrote: Una macro strepitosa, luce, composizione e dinamismo fornito dal soggetto principale la rendono davvero unica! Uno scatto che ti invidio un bel po' ;)
  20. Tom (Homepage) wrote: Great capture, great colors. I love the texture on the leaf.
  21. Mike (Homepage) wrote: Excellent. I wish I could do this. Great color and detail on the leaf. Really nice sharpness on the ant.
  22. Andrés (Homepage) wrote: An amazing close-up. Very cool.
  23. Nacho Carreras (Homepage) wrote: Fantástica imagen. Saludos.
  24. Susan (Homepage) wrote: Incredible macro with amazing detail! Love the contrast of the black ant and the golden leaf.
  25. grant (Homepage) wrote: amazing macro!
  26. Sophie Asselin (Homepage) wrote: Wow ! What a nice shot ! Great colors ! Congrats !

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