above and above

† 14-06-2009 † 5878 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Paolo (Homepage) wrote: bella, sembra un poster anni '70 (nostalgia canaglia...). che ottica hai usato?
  2. sherri (Homepage) wrote: This is extraordinary. I'm not suggesting anything because I don't do that, but I had to wonder to myself what it would look like in greyscale.
  3. cushmok (Homepage) wrote: amazing capture.. is it a collage ?
  4. publi (Homepage) wrote: superb timing. best shot
  5. Andrés (Homepage) wrote: What lens and technique did you use to make this image. I like it very much!
  6. Mike (Homepage) wrote: Whether this is a composite or not (tell me)... this is a great image! Rarely do I gasp when I see something... this is a very dynamic piece of work!
  7. Arjan - PlasticDaisy (Homepage) wrote: Wow is this for real? Did you catch this in one shot!? That is amazing! What a lens that must have been! So much detail in that moon!
  8. Terry H. (Homepage) wrote: Great composite and processing. Well done!
  9. gavin hart (Homepage) wrote: Absolutely stunning shot and very beautiful as well Paolo! You were certainly in the right place at the right time or you must have been very patient.
  10. Ian (Homepage) wrote: Blimey! What an impact that makes! Super idea - great stuff, man. ;-)
  11. Arnd (Homepage) wrote: Right time, right place! A truly wonderful capture!
  12. Simone (Homepage) wrote: ...semplicemente geniale!
  13. joshi daniel (Homepage) wrote: this looks so beautiful!
  14. Rolf (Homepage) wrote: Fantastic shot and great composotion. I like the idea!
  15. BoB (Homepage) wrote: magnifica, sembra che l'aereo sia diretto sulla luna
  16. Marcie (Homepage) wrote: WOW! I'm not sure what else to say. WOW..WOW..WOW!!!
  17. Gëist (Homepage) wrote: Is this an edit ? Anyway it's very impressive !
  18. grant (Homepage) wrote: wow... this looks like it should be the closing frames of a movie.
  19. Frida (Homepage) wrote: Wow what a capture! Very well spotted and captured.
  20. Calusarus (Homepage) wrote: Beautiful
  21. Andy (Homepage) wrote: Wow Paolo!! what a great find and photo. Amazing!!
  22. beanow (Homepage) wrote: You surprised me...:) I do not know what to tell...just this I will not tell anything...:)

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