Castiglione della Pescaia

† 21-09-2009 † 5864 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Guido (Homepage) wrote: Sembra quasi ci siano due soli. Bella!
  2. Philib (Homepage) wrote: Très belle image... tout bon pour moi, bravo, Philippe.
  3. Cees (Homepage) wrote: Very different than the Amsterdam-views but very very nice!!
  4. pernilla (Homepage) wrote: Wonderful soft water and the colours in the sky. Superb shot.
  5. BoB (Homepage) wrote: quando si dice un cielo infuocato
  6. Giò (Homepage) wrote: Che splendido cielo infuocato!!!
  7. Bernardo wrote: Martian landscape?
  8. Marco Marques (Homepage) wrote: Thanks for your comment. This last images are amazing. Congrats!
  9. Simone (Homepage) wrote: Una marina veramente bella Paolo!
  10. Tom (Homepage) wrote: reminds me of a Volcano :)) Nice picture
  11. Albert (Homepage) wrote: Great colors on the sky
  12. Claude (Homepage) wrote: Great exposure for the water, it's very impressionnist. And the light in the sky is superb.

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