San Vito

† 13-12-2009 † 4965 views

Ss. Vito, Venceslao and Adalberto Cathedral's central nave.

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Ebram (Homepage) wrote: Love the architecture
  2. Curly (Homepage) wrote: Absolutely fabulous tone mapping in this HDR image, very, very impressive!
  3. Turnbill (Homepage) wrote: Wow - wonderful pov on this. Great use of wide-angle
  4. Mike Blanchard (Homepage) wrote: Great perspective. Lots of detail . Terrific shot.
  5. fabrizio (Homepage) wrote: bellissima disperzione del colore il punto di vista offerto è molto interessante cosi come il trattamento dei contrasti
  6. Nazzareno (Homepage) wrote: L'accentuazione della prospettiva e i toni della foto rendono particolarmente suggestivo questo hdr e mettono bene in risalto tutta la fantasica nervatura gotica della Cattedrale.
  7. joshi daniel (Homepage) wrote: you have brought the all the details of the interior in the image and the low angle shows the massiveness beautifully!
  8. Mike (Homepage) wrote: Wonderful image! Of course, the processing is fantastic. It looks old and almost illustrated.

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