Shades of brown

† 21-03-2010 † 5389 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Philly (Homepage) wrote: What a joy to find someone else who tkhins this way.
  2. Andy (Homepage) wrote: Beautiful wood tones! Love the contrast with the snow.
  3. joshi daniel (Homepage) wrote: loved the falling of the light!
  4. Frida (Homepage) wrote: beautiful contrast between warm and cold colors.
  5. jess (Homepage) wrote: Beautiful natural moment and light. Thank you for stopping by. :)
  6. Celine (Homepage) wrote: Beautiful shot ! great light and colors !
  7. BoB (Homepage) wrote: Molto bella sia la prospettiva che la luce che filtra
  8. Paolo (Homepage) wrote: grande lavoro compositivo. sono affascinato dal fastello di tronchi appoggiato all'albero e di come, grazie anche all'illuminazione, costituisca il focal point dell'immagine
  9. beanow (Homepage) wrote: Beautiful composition and brown tones here.
  10. John Maslowski (Homepage) wrote: The wood tones are absolutely beautiful in this image. Stunning winter landscape with the snow contrasting with these lovely trees.
  11. sherri (Homepage) wrote: Aptly named. The sunlight is gorgeous.
  12. Calusarus (Homepage) wrote: A nice warm colors for these trees
  13. Marcie (Homepage) wrote: Wonderful contrast of warm and cool colors. Love the never-ending trunks of trees. Beautiful winter scene!
  14. fabrizio (Homepage) wrote: interessante catturare l'attenzione in un particolare così ridotto di quello che è sicuramente una vista meravigliosa nella sua totalità, bravo Paolo

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