Spring Dreaming

† 26-03-2010 † 5613 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Guido (Homepage) wrote: Bellissimi i riflessi dei raggi solari
  2. Andrés (Homepage) wrote: Beautiful shot. Like the whole scene a lot.
  3. Frank (Homepage) wrote: Yes, and I can feel the early spring warmness in you picture. :)
  4. Celine (Homepage) wrote: This is gorgeous ! I love it !!!
  5. joshi daniel (Homepage) wrote: gorgeous!
  6. Andy (Homepage) wrote: Love the sun beams bursting through the trees! Great golden colors of light.
  7. Laura Abigail (Homepage) wrote: Love how the light shines trough :D
  8. beanow (Homepage) wrote: Really excellent!!!
  9. Calusarus (Homepage) wrote: A magical light
  10. jess (Homepage) wrote: Beautiful streaks of light! Such a wonderful atmosphere.
  11. Frank de Jol (Homepage) wrote: Excellent catch of solar rays
  12. Marcie (Homepage) wrote: Extraordinary...magical light!!!
  13. fabrizio (Homepage) wrote: interessante disperzione della luce bella atmosfera molto delicata
  14. francesco (Homepage) wrote: Bellissima! C'è poco da dire di più
  15. Tom (Homepage) wrote: This is a great shot. The difference in intensity between the sunny part and the other part is very athmospheric.

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