The Red Carpet

† 10-11-2010 † 5761 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. marco venturin (Homepage) wrote: Portfolio davvero bello, complimenti! Il mio voto su coolphotoblogs è per il suo lavoro! Saluti!
  2. Andy (Homepage) wrote: Just beautiful! You've got my vote on
  3. kersta wrote: It's a forest of dreams ;) Dreamed by every photographer
  4. Calin C. (Homepage) wrote: Amazing autumn photo! Great "carpet". The photo is very nice framed and the colors are beautiful.
  5. El Kodadi (Homepage) wrote: Les lignes, verticales et horizontales, donnent beaucoup de caractère à cette photo.
  6. Rue Du Lavoir (Homepage) wrote: Quelle ambiance! L'atmosphère est presque étrange. Les couleurs et la lumière sont magnifiques. Très beau travail!
  7. Francesco (Homepage) wrote: ottima! Per il punto di ripresa, ma anche per lo sfocato delicato
  8. Simone (Homepage) wrote: Sì sì...l'autunno ci mette del suo, ma qui luci e ombre danno il tocco finale! Molto bella
  9. oldshutterhand (Homepage) wrote: All red with no green. Fascinating!
  10. Beat (Homepage) wrote: great tones and fantastic light and shadows on this beautifull shot
  11. Andrés (Homepage) wrote: I like the soft trees with the clear ground.
  12. Marcie (Homepage) wrote: Great eye! Love how you've seen and captured the shadow and light.
  13. foto-rolero54 (Homepage) wrote: Excellent photo!
  14. RobertB (Homepage) wrote: Your down low perspective and shallow depth of field highlights how extensive and beautiful the leaf cover is. Exquisite.
  15. jess (Homepage) wrote: Lovely depth of field. There's such a strange uniformity, as though this path has never been walked.
  16. Frida (Homepage) wrote: I like the play between shadows and light.
  17. Arnd (Homepage) wrote: Beautiful warm red tones and fascinating capture of shadow and light.
  18. Albert (Homepage) wrote: Me gusta la uniformidad de las hojas caidas en el suelo, queda una foto mou ordenada :-)

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