
† 13-12-2010 † 5285 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Francesco (Homepage) wrote: un impatto visivo davvero notevole!
  2. RobertB (Homepage) wrote: The pov is awesome. My eye keep being drawn to the peak of the pyramid only to be pulled back to the golden building behind. Terrific image.
  3. Guido (Homepage) wrote: Non sono mai stato a Parigi, ma questo presumo un posto dove si debba passare. Bella composizione
  4. Arnd (Homepage) wrote: A wonderful study of angles and planes (and very different from your usual work).
  5. Frida (Homepage) wrote: Amazing composition and pov. I like how I can see the building through the glass.
  6. jess (Homepage) wrote: What a fantastic composition you have achieved with such symmetry and an intense graphic element as well. I love the subdued colors as well.
  7. oldshutterhand (Homepage) wrote: Fascinating view of the famous building.
  8. fabrizio (Homepage) wrote: le linee geometricamente perfette aumentano in maniera considerevole l'impatto visivo della foto, ottimo direi anche la resa della luce che crea una naturale sovrapposizione di tonalità, decisamente uno scatto da ricordare, complimenti Paolo

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