La Defense

† 20-12-2010 † 5269 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Arash (Homepage) wrote: Such a great parnoramic view! nice job.
  2. Jon Ander (Homepage) wrote: Great perspective. The wide zoom is fantastic. Great photo. Congratulations.
  3. van (Homepage) wrote: woah. This is cool. Where is this? .
  4. Marie (Homepage) wrote: magnifique, je suis sans voix !
  5. RobertB (Homepage) wrote: This is like something out of a sci-fi movie. Wonderful composition and processing.
  6. El Kodadi (Homepage) wrote: J'aime beaucoup cette photo. Ce qui attire le plus mon regard, c'est la couleur des escaliers à droite de la photo. j'aime beaucoup.
  7. Andy (Homepage) wrote: Wow very interesting buildings. Looks very Sci-fi!!
  8. Arnd (Homepage) wrote: This scene looks like it is not of this world. Fantastic! I especially like the lines leading the eyes into the image.
  9. fabrizio (Homepage) wrote: una prospettiva molto potente con diversi punti di interesse, veramente una fotomolto ben costruita e con un ottimo risultato
  10. John Maslowski (Homepage) wrote: Fascinating surreal image. Amazing architecture shot, great lines and patterns with superb details.
  11. Jacob S. Jensen (Homepage) wrote: Cool panorama shot!
  12. yvan (Homepage) wrote: Wow, beautiful photo, congratulations!

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