The Pyramid

† 03-01-2011 † 5125 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Eugene Sidorov (Homepage) wrote: What a wonderful geometry!
  2. Miles (Homepage) wrote: I love the composition, great use of symmetry. I also like the reflected light on the wet pavement.
  3. Francesco (Homepage) wrote: una foto classica ma splendida!
  4. jess (Homepage) wrote: Flawless symmetry! The pale purple and vibrant orange hues are lovely.
  5. Paolo (Homepage) wrote: un classico, splendidamente interpretato
  6. Arnd (Homepage) wrote: Excellent architectural shot well placed in the frame. The symmetry is really spot-on!
  7. Mirco (Homepage) wrote: Stunning Picture
  8. Riccardo (Homepage) wrote: This is excellent !!

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