into the void

† 08-01-2011 † 5323 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. mARTina (Homepage) wrote: perfect. the red color is great and you have make a very good architecture shot.
  2. Francesco (Homepage) wrote: vertigini!!!!!! Ottima davvero
  3. Turnbill (Homepage) wrote: Superbly done.
  4. fabrizio (Homepage) wrote: ho quasi le vertigini....:) la foto e semplicemente ottima nella sua totalità
  5. Alexandra (Homepage) wrote: What a great really captured the perspective perfectly!
  6. john (Homepage) wrote: look confusing but really nice!
  7. Chris Franklin (Homepage) wrote: Great colors. I like the way the lines draw my eyes into the photo.
  8. Arnd (Homepage) wrote: Great perspective and superb red tones. This stairway is a true eye-catcher!
  9. Marcie (Homepage) wrote: Fantastic point-of-view and framing. It makes me dizzy..just to look!
  10. John Maslowski (Homepage) wrote: Impressive image, love the spirals and patterns. Excellent perspective with beautiful colors.
  11. jess (Homepage) wrote: Vertigo-inducing! But the colors are splendid. :)
  12. Frida (Homepage) wrote: Woho this makes me dizzy :-) Its a beautiful stairway.
  13. Guido (Homepage) wrote: Certo che te ne sei fatto di scalini per scattare questa bellissima foto! Ne è valsa sicuramente la pena. Belli i colori del pavimento ma anche delle pareti.
  14. Beat (Homepage) wrote: this is a spectacular view you captured here. good job!

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