return to base

† 13-08-2011 † 6404 views

It's Show(er) Time !

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Giovanna Licata (Homepage) wrote: Oddio, ma questa č, non esiste termine adatto a descriverne la bellezza!
  2. Rue Du Lavoir (Homepage) wrote: Parfaite. Les nuances de couleurs du ciel sont de toute beauté. Vraiment.
  3. Mika (Homepage) wrote: Amazing shot, clouds are bueatiful. The plane is surfing on those clouds.
  4. Arnd (Homepage) wrote: I really like the drama of the sky and the awesome perspective you have chosen here! This is a stunner!
  5. Thomas (Homepage) wrote: Wow, amazing. Seems like there is a lot of postproduction involved, but anyway, it just looks really great.
  6. Boris (Homepage) wrote: Great shot and postproduction !
  7. mbecher (Homepage) wrote: Just WOW, Paolo!
  8. stranigiorni (Homepage) wrote: OMG!
  9. RobertB (Homepage) wrote: Oh wow! I've never seen anything like this before. This is definitely one of all time favourite images.
  10. crash (Homepage) wrote: wow ... amazing sky!!!!!
  11. oldshutterhand (Homepage) wrote: Great display of the clouds. Brilliant picture. Where were you ;-)
  12. buntagphoto (Homepage) wrote: Those are some beautifully captured clouds.
  13. Arash (Homepage) wrote: Gorgeous! one of a kind!
  14. mel (Homepage) wrote: wow, what a spectacular view! i wonder whats going on in the pilots mind...
  15. Paulo Pedroso (Homepage) wrote: like a dream this photo takes our mind to another stage.
  16. Frida (Homepage) wrote: A magical image, I like the dramatic and yet soft clouds kind of following the aircraft.
  17. Francesco (Homepage) wrote: splendida!
  18. andrey samolinov (Homepage) wrote: Powerful photo Excellent composition and mood Great work
  19. Arjan - PlasticDaisy (Homepage) wrote: Oh wow you keep on amazing me with your strong images! This is such a cool image! And perfectly processed.
  20. Kala (Homepage) wrote: A very powerful and striking image!
  21. Marcie (Homepage) wrote: What a fantastic scene and image. So powerful and evocative. Love the processing!!
  22. Kris Koeller (Homepage) wrote: Those clouds are amazing!
  23. Chintan (Homepage) wrote: OMG! This is an amazing shot...Loved it.
  24. Claus Petersen (Homepage) wrote: This is just a fantastic shot, the softness of the clouds makes me think that I almost can touch them, a little like being superman ;-)

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