Old farm

† 23-12-2011 † 6781 views

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Asier (Homepage) wrote: Great picture. I love it. Congratulations!
  2. oldshutterhand (Homepage) wrote: Fantastic atmosphere with that bridge like from another world.
  3. CrashRyan (Homepage) wrote: I love it!!!!!!!! fantastic!!!
  4. Andres (Homepage) wrote: Love the image with these textures. great!!
  5. omar (Homepage) wrote: incredible picture, looks like a painting
  6. CoolPixeler (Homepage) wrote: Oustsanding work. A great portofolio. I keep it in my favorite.
  7. buntagphoto (Homepage) wrote: Great textures and colors. I love the arches as an element.
  8. kEvin (Homepage) wrote: WAW!!!
  9. Linda (Homepage) wrote: wow, what an amazing scene. beautifully shot too; I like the contrast in warm and cold tones.
  10. Calusarus (Homepage) wrote: A wonderful landscape, which looks like an old painting. Thanks a lot for sharing it with us
  11. Luiza (Homepage) wrote: Very cool pov. Merry X-Mas to you and yours!
  12. John Maslowski (Homepage) wrote: Magnificent image! Lovely setting with this beautiful old farm and the stunning background! Great work! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
  13. Arnd (Homepage) wrote: Definitely one for the wall! Very painterly like, beautiful and mysterious image. Merry Christmas, Paolo, to you and your family!
  14. rem_la (Homepage) wrote: comme une tableau de maitre joyeux noel
  15. fabrizio (Homepage) wrote: molto bella!!! sembra quasi dipinta, ottima amosfera fredda invernale che propone con i colori quasi umidi direi... ottimo questo scatto, tanti auguri di buone feste anche a te ed alla tua famiglia!!!!
  16. Francesco (Homepage) wrote: bellissimo panorama, con un ottimo taglio, ma ancora di pił il lavoro in post che impreziosisce lo scatto. Mi piace molto
  17. Alain Alexandre (Homepage) wrote: I wish you warm as the sun of good holiday season.
  18. Guido (Homepage) wrote: Che paesaggio straordinatio! Non capisco se sia una foto di un disegno o una foto ritoccata.

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