white striped

† 28-12-2011 † 6853 views

after a snow storm the north faces of the trees are covered by white stripes of snow

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Visitor's Comments

  1. Japanalia-Gabriela (Homepage) wrote: I love this one for the way it was captured, for the beautiful arrangement of trees and benches and for the fact that it looks familiar: we have just same setting in my neighbourhood...but it is rare that we get snow in winter.
  2. Alain Alexandre (Homepage) wrote: Délicieux
  3. Guido (Homepage) wrote: Quest'anno è scesa veramente poca neve dalle mie parti. Un inverno un po' strano. Interessante vedere come la forza del vento riesca a schiacciare la neve. Mi piace l'inquadratura. Buon Anno!
  4. kannajie (Homepage) wrote: hmmmm..great combo
  5. sherri (Homepage) wrote: aptly named and well spotted
  6. Frida (Homepage) wrote: I would definitely settle for this amount of snow. Here we have +10C and rain.
  7. yvan (Homepage) wrote: perfectly captured calm winter setting, congratulations!
  8. Marcie (Homepage) wrote: What a wonderful winter scene. So good to see snow!!!
  9. Calusarus (Homepage) wrote: Wonderful with this DoF. I like the lighting too
  10. fabrizio (Homepage) wrote: gelida atmosfera inveranle, non potrebbe essere altrimenti, buona e piacevole l'integrazione con lo sfondo.... Tanti Auguri per un felice Anno Nuovo a te e alla tua famiglia Paolo
  11. Kris (Homepage) wrote: Looks lovely. We've not had any snow this year. :(

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